For most patients chronic kidney disease does not affect their quality of life and they will live a normal life.
Kidney function tests tend to fluctuate for many reasons such as being unwell, dehydration or due to medication. It will also decline with age
We often see drops in kidney function when a patient is unwell and it then improves as the patient recovers but it may not completely return to normal levels.
When we see a drop in kidney function we arrange repeat blood and urine tests, if the kidney function improves or stays stable no further investigation or treatment may be needed other than an annual blood and urine test and a bp check.
If the kidney function continues to deteriorate, we organize further blood tests and scans.
Even for patients with significant drops in kidney function they can usually be managed with medication; it is rare for patients to progress to needing hospital treatment.
However you can help us to help you protect your kidneys with some lifestyle changes such as:
- Diet: Healthy & varied diet, low in salt, high in vegetables
- Exercise: Increase physical activity levels
- Lifestyle: Stop smoking, Reduce alcohol intake, stress management and weight reduction if overweight.