Clinics/Services Offered By The Practice:
- Asthma Clinics
- Diabetic Clinics
- COPD Clinics
- Cervical Smear
- Minor Surgery
- Anti-Coagulation
- Antenatal/Postnatal
- Immunisations for Children
- Hypertension and Cardiovascular Screening
- New Patient Health Checks
Disease Management/Prevention Clinics are held each afternoon (excluding Tuesday) i.e. Asthma / Diabetes / Cervical Smear
Flu Vaccine
It is very important that you attend for your flu vaccine when invited. Flu vaccine is given annually to the following groups of patients:
- All those aged 65 years and over
- All those aged over six months in the following clinical risk groups:
- Chronic respiratory disease
- Chronic heart disease
- Chronic renal disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Chronic neurological disease
- Diabetes
- Immunosuppression (due to disease or treatment, including asplenia or splenic dysfunction)
The flu immunisation is not a live vaccine, which means you cannot get the flu from the vaccine!